Avanti West Coast " Feel Good Travel" by Tom Kuntz and Untold Studios | STASH MAGAZINE

Avanti West Coast “Feel Good Travel” by Tom Kuntz and Untold Studios

UK train operator Avanti West Coast welcomes passengers back with a pixel-perfect rollerblading turtle courtesy of MJZ director Tom Kuntz and London VFX force Untold Studios (the creative pairing who brought us this comedy epic for Hornbach). [Watch]

"Bots" CG Short Film by Media.Work | STASH MAGAZINE

“Bots” CG Short Film by Media.Work

Conceived as a data visualization research project by the Media.Work team, Bots soon evolved into an “exploration of evolution in a digital environment” complete with minimalist robots interacting with each other and the environment. [Watch]

Artgrid "Patterns" Stock Motion By Clim Studio | STASH MAGAZINE

Artgrid “Patterns” Stock CG Motion By Clim Studio

Director/designer Clim at Clim Studio in Barcelona: “After winning Artgrid’s trust with our previous Art Loops Series, the stock footage platform asked us to create something fun to include in their always-growing catalogue. So we said ‘Let’s Go Patterns!’. [Watch]

"Super Mecha Champions" Game Trailer by Chiu and Somei | STASH MAGAZINE

“Super Mecha Champions” Game Trailer by Chiu and Somei

Two of China’s rising CG talents, Somei Sun and Chiu Ho, combine talents to create action on a grand scale with extraordinary attention to detail in this trailer for NetEase Games’ action shooter Super Mecha Champions. [Watch]

Platige Image Teases "To Everyman" Short Film | STASH MAGAZINE

Platige Image Teases “To Everyman” Short Film

Cezary Albiński, director and head of CG at Platige Image in Warsaw: “To Everyman is a visual rendition of Julian Tuwim’s poem of the same name and a manifesto seeking to expose the techniques and tactics of political propaganda.” [Watch]

Oasis "Assaut Fruité" Spot (Director’s Cut) by Illogic Studios | STASH MAGAZINE

Oasis “Assaut Fruité” Spot (Director’s Cut) by Illogic

Oscar-nominated French directing collective Illogic leverages their many talents to elevate this spot for a non-carbonated soft drink above the fray with careful blocking, snappy pacing, and fabulous character work. [Watch]

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