Audi ETron Reveal Film by Pandayoghurt | STASH MAGAZINE

Audi E-Tron Reveal Film by Pandayoghurt

Designer/director Douglas Bowden (aka Pandayoghurt) in London: “The task was to create a short reveal film for the new Audi E-tron. We wanted to explore what happens in the moment when an object is revealed and how the process of revealing an object can inform the entire aesthetic. [Watch]

Pandayoghurt Verizon CES | STASH MAGAZINE

Pandayoghurt Blurs the Organic and Digital for Verizon

Part of a mixed reality presentation for Verizon’s keynote at CES on the future of 5G connectivity, this CG film by UK director/designer Douglas Bowden (aka Pandayoghurt) parallels the theme of blending physical and digital worlds. [Watch]


Elegant Extensions for New Foxtel Logo

UK design director and 3D artist Douglas Bowden (aka Pandayoghurt) creates a series of minimalist and graceful 3D explorations of MAUD’s new mark for Australian broadcaster Foxtel. [Watch]

Stink_Strava 2016 | STASH MAGAZINE

Stink Studios and Pandayoghurt for Strava

The social network for athletes called Strava gave each of its 1.2 million members a stunning and personalized CG film displaying their individual training achievements in 2016. [Watch]