Best of Stash 2020: VFX | STASH MAGAZINE

Best of Stash 2020: Advertising VFX

Despite virus-induced production setbacks in 2020, the universe of advertising VFX continued to expand with young studios vying with venerable post facilities for the chance to create the fun and emotion of new branded realities. [Watch]

Three Phones are Good TV commercial | STASH MAGAZINE

“Phones Are Good,” Just Look at History…

UK mobile provider Three pushes back against the growing wave of “phones are bad” haters with some speculative history lessons courtesy of Friend director Ian Pons Jewell and the VFX crew at Time Based Arts thru W+K London. [Watch]

Three Mobile Go Roam | STASH MAGAZINE

The Perlorian Brothers: Three Mobile “Go Roam”

MJZ directors The Perlorian Brothers enlist the CG creature talents of The Mill in London to create a ridiculous but stylin’ new giraffe/flamingo hybrid for Three Mobile thru W+K London. [Watch]