Animating Safe Sex in Sweden (Mature)
CG artist David Sandell at Depiction in Stockholm animates an ad for 1177 Vårdguiden thru Länge Leve [Watch]
CG artist David Sandell at Depiction in Stockholm animates an ad for 1177 Vårdguiden thru Länge Leve [Watch]
Alexa Sirbu and Lukas Vojir who both work as motion artists at ManvsMachine in London, team up for a dark and intimate exploration of floral forms in their new personal art film called “flow/er.” [Watch]
Dave Hughes, creator of Adult Swim’s experimental cult hit Off the Air, gathers a swarm of 12 animators to create 10 animated interstitials for the first season of the Netflix series “Disjointed [Watch]
UK 2D animator Jack Bennett channels the universal complexities and awkwardness of first love in his newest personal film, the sweet seven-minute tale of a boy named Joe, Lily, several Molly’s… and Spiderman. [Watch]
“Trailer for Benji Davies’ picture book, ‘The Grotlyn’.” [Watch]
Director Damon Duncan and the 3D animation crew at Assembly in Auckland show off their character and narrative skills with this mini-epic documenting the life of Geoff, devoted family man and bean fanatic. [Watch]