TEDx QDU Boundaries Flatwhite Motion | STASH MAGAZINE

TEDx “Boundaries” by Flatwhite Motion

The TEDx event in China’s port city of Qingdao opened this summer with a rush of layered color and fine detail crafted by the design crew at hometown studio Flatwhite Motion. [Watch]


Share, Learn, and Support your Fellow Artists with Holdframe

Holdframe is a new platform for the animation and motion design community offering a curated collection of project files to purchase for educational purposes from top designers and directors. [Watch]

Hypernova animated typeface | STASH MAGAZINE

Hypernova Animated Typeface

Giacomo Ribaudo: “Hypernova is a high-octane display typeface for Adobe After Effects. Each glyph has two colors that can be set from a two color palette, or with the flick of a switch, can be randomly chosen from a six color palette.” [Watch]

Gavin Kosko Primary animated short film | STASH MAGAZINE

Success is Neither Magical nor Mysterious…

Director/animator Gavin Kosko in Pittsburgh: “‘Primary’ is the abstract representation of going back to basics and embracing one’s strengths. [Watch]

The School of Life Nagging | STASH MAGAZINE

The Truth About Nagging and Why it Doesn’t Work

The Truth About Nagging and Why it Doesn’t Work by Steve Kirby for The School of Life [Watch]


Trevor Noah on the Power of Humor by Eoin Duffy

Eoin Duffy: “Trevor Noah details the far reach of laughter. A tool that houses the power to unknowingly connect two opposing individuals.” [Watch]

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