We Love Graphic Design 2021 Jesper Bolther | STASH MAGAZINE

We Love Graphic Design 2021 Opening Titles by Jesper Bolther

Director/animator Jesper Bolther in Copenhagen, Denmark: “The ambition for this year’s WLGD opening titles was to create a string of simple animation experiments based on minimalistic, poster-like designs. [Watch]

Jesper Bolther Okomito Japanese Proverbs Short Film | STASH MAGAZINE

“Okomito: Japanese Proverbs” Short Film by Jesper Bolther

Director/animator Jesper Bolther in Copenhagen, Denmark: “With an offset in our love of Japanese culture, this project is an experiment as to what would happen if you pair some quirky animations with a series of Japanese proverbs. [Watch]

Microsoft Alt "Emily’s Story (Directors Cut)" by Reece Parker | STASH MAGAZINE

Microsoft Alt “Emily’s Story (Directors Cut)” by Reece Parker and Trifilm

Animation director/illustrator Reece Parker in Seattle: “I was approached again by Trifilm to direct an animated portion of their new film in the Microsoft Alt series – this time examining an experimental cancer treatment made possible through AI technology.” [Watch]

The Headless Way "Who Are You" Short Film by Alex Barnet | STASH MAGAZINE

The Headless Way “Who Are You” Short Film by Alex Barnet

Director/animator Alex Barnet in Berlin: “The Headless Way is a collection of philosophies and meditations by the late great [English writer and spiritual teacher] Douglas Harding on the subject of the true nature of the self. [Watch]

Eoin Duffy Asks "What Do All Languages Have in Common?" for TED Ed | STASH MAGAZINE

Eoin Duffy Asks “What Do All Languages Have in Common?” for TED Ed

Director/animator Eoin Duffy in Vancouver: “In the early 1950s Noam Chomsky proposed a theory that the key to language versatility was grammar. In this film, writer Cameron Morin details Chomsky’s theory of universal grammar, specifically if the rules are hardwired into our brains or not.” [Watch]

TEDxSydney 2020 Title Sequence | STASH MAGAZINE

TEDxSydney 2020 Title Sequence

After several years of crafting stellar openings for the TEDxSydney conference, director Scott Geersen and his Substance studio opened up the 2020 assignment to an international team of motion design collaborators. [Watch]