Best of Stash 2022 Advertising | STASH MAGAZINE

Best of Stash 2022: Advertising!

To be heard above the constant yammer of consumer marketing, brands need production partners armed with breakthrough creative, polished execution, and the insight to ensure the results resonate emotionally. [Watch]

MINI Editions by ManvsMachine | STASH MAGAZINE

New MINI “Editions” Courtesy of ManvsMachine

Founded in 1969 and owned by BMW since 2000, MINI’s reputation as a fun ride has been a constant throughout its history, and with the release of these special edition models, ManvsMachine takes that playfulness to the next level. [Watch]

MINI "Minimalism" Case Study by Serviceplan Group and Linus Brandes | STASH MAGAZINE

MINI “Minimalism” Case Study by Serviceplan Group and Linus Brandes

Serviceplan Group: “This ‘Minimalism’ case film describes how Mini’s iconic wings logo was translated into a campaign that capitalizes on the timeless code of design elements.” [Watch]

The MINI Vision Urbanaut Vibe by Aixsponza | STASH MAGAZINE

Life with the MINI Vision Urbanaut by Aixsponza

The Aixsponza crew in Munich merge multiple animation techniques into this silky spot for MINI’s 2020 Vision Urbanaut electric autonomous concept vehicle, part of a new campaign featuring the brand’s head of design Oliver Heilmer. [Watch]