Best-of-Stash-2023-Advertising | STASH MAGAZINE

Best of Stash 2023: Advertising!

Filtering out the best from the torrent of worldwide commercial advertising is a definite slog but ultimately worthwhile because hidden in that relentless flow of mediocrity you will find gems worth snatching and savoring. [Watch]

Best-of-Stash-2023-Brand-Films | STASH MAGAZINE

Best of Stash 2023: Brand Films!

Marketers continue to expand their use of brand films (produced primarily for online, social, and out of home viewing), taking advantage of the genre’s freedom of format and style and often blurring the line between art and message. [Watch]

BMW Symphony GDC Epic Games Mondlicht Studios | STASH MAGAZINE

Mondlicht Studios Orchestrates a “Symphony” for BMW and Epic Games at GDC

Partnering with BMW and Epic Games, the design and CG crew at Mondlicht Studios in Germany put Unreal Engine thru its paces to add flashes of the surreal to this cinematic for the 2023 Game Developers Conference. [Watch]

BMW XM commercial Christian Scott Ambassadors | STASH MAGAZINE

Ambassadors Build a Jazz Fantasy for the BMW XM

EASYdoesit director Chehad Abdallah and the Ambassadors VFX/CG team in Amsterdam build a dramatic fantasy world to house BMW’s XM hybrid SUV and jazz trumpeter Christian Scott (aka Chief Adjuah) who also supplies the track and VO. [Watch]

Best of Stash 2022 Advertising | STASH MAGAZINE

Best of Stash 2022: Advertising!

To be heard above the constant yammer of consumer marketing, brands need production partners armed with breakthrough creative, polished execution, and the insight to ensure the results resonate emotionally. [Watch]

Shane Griffin Psyop Forwardism BMW i7 | STASH MAGAZINE

Shane Griffin Defines “Forwardism” for the BMW i7

Working with Berlin prodco AKKURAT Studios on live action and Psyop on post/VFX, director Shane Griffin conjures a series of art surprises to highlight the new all-electric BMW i7 and help define “Forwardism”. [Watch]