Best-of-Stash-2021-VFX2 | STASH MAGAZINE

Best of Stash 2021: VFX

In the right hands, the superpower of digital visual effects allows the impossible to be recast as reality. When thoughtfully integrated with live-action to support (rather than upstage) the narrative, the results can be magical. [Watch]

Stash 146 video preview video | STASH MAGAZINE
Johnnie Walker "Astronaut" commercial | STASH MAGAZINE

Johnnie Walker “Astronaut” Looks Ahead to Social Re-entry

The team at Nash in São Paulo delivers powerful VFX support in this spot celebrating both Johnnie Walker’s 200th-anniversary and the (eventual) return of humans to social normality for Iconoclast directors Ian Ruschel and Gabriel & Quemuel. [Watch]