The animated (and true) story of how a Jamaican boy named Usain Bolt embraced his innate talent for running, rising thru pressure and pain to become the fastest man alive – brought to vibrant life by the Oscar-winning team at Moonbot for Gatorade thru TBWA\CHIAT\DAY. [Watch]
Directed by Alex Sherwood, Ben Harper and Sean Mullen at Giant Animation Studios in Dublin, this atmospheric CG tale of loss and longing teases out its dark secrets with pacing and cinematography designed to keep you off balance and unnerved. [Watch]
Directing duo Wriggles and Robins (Tom Wrigglesworth and Matt Robinson) team with fellow Londoners Treat Studios to fashion a clever animated ode to the Euro 16 tournament using the pages of the sports section as both the inspiration and the canvas for their over-sized flip book. [Watch]
Feel-good spot of month showcases the character and comedy skills of the Psyop crew all driven by clever lyrics and the happiest/bounciest track we’ve heard in a long time from LA music house Barking Owl for Cricket Wireless through SF agency Argonaut. [Watch]
In “OSSA,” Milan director/animator Dario Imbrogno blurs the line between the making-of video and final film, not only revealing the mechanics of stop motion’s armatures and cinematography but carefully incorporating them as dramatic elements in the narrative. [Watch]
Meet Rene Fustercluck, one of two men left standing after the man-made apocalypse and the comic lynchpin of Sam Southward’s spectacular (and not altogether SFW) graduation film “After the End” produced at the National Film and Television School in London. [Watch]