Stash issue 126 Preview | STASH MAGAZINE

Check the Monsterous Motion Treats on Stash 126

Stash 126 jams another 31 inspiring and innovative motion projects into the Stash Permanent Collection, the largest online video archive of design, animation and VFX in the universe. [Watch]

Svetlana Alexievich Voices of Chenobyl | STASH MAGAZINE

Niels Prayer: “Voices of Chernobyl” Titles

French motion designer Niels Prayer honors Nobel laureate Svetlana Alexievitch with an understated but powerful spec title sequence for Pol Cruchten’s 2016 documentary based on her book Voices of Chernobyl. [Watch]

Endless Scare Documentary titles | STASH MAGAZINE

“The Endless Scare” Documentary Titles via The Drawing Room

“Title sequence for a documentary about the U.S. government’s systematic persecution of gay and lesbian State Department employees during the Cold War.” [Watch]

And / Or Generic Millennial Ad | STASH MAGAZINE

Dissolve: This Is a Generic Millennial Ad

Back in 2014 stock house Dissolve released “This Is a Generic Brand Video” to well-deserved acclaim. Their newest poke at advertising tropes takes aim at tone-deaf marketers targeting humans born between 1980 and 2000. [Watch]

The Light in the Darkness Short Film | STASH MAGAZINE

Eli Guillou Finds “The Light in the Dark”

Wise words, austere visuals, and heart-felt narration conjure a surprisingly complex array of emotions in Eli Guillou’s film “The Light in the Dark” created during his senior year at SCAD. [Watch]


Onur Senturk’s Main Titles for OFFF Milano 2017

Director/art director/animator Onur Senturk: “The Main Titles for OFFF Milano & Digital Design Days 2017 is an art deco-inspired science fiction piece and features the perfect machines, mechanisms with imperfect humans and creatures. [Watch]