James van den Elshout Spec Brand Film for Hasami Porcelain | STASH MAGAZINE

James van den Elshout Highlights Modern Craftsmanship in Spec Brand Film for Hasami Porcelain

Designer/director James van den Elshout in New York: “This is a learning exercise and tribute to the incredible craftsmanship of the Hasami Porcelain family of products. Made in Japan, the hand-crafted cups, plates, and bowls have a very natural feel to them but remain extremely modern and modular in their form.” [Watch]

Stash 147 Preview Trailer | STASH MAGAZINE
"La Biblioteca de Babel" Short Film by James van den Elshout | STASH MAGAZINE

“La Biblioteca de Babel” Short Film by James van den Elshout

Inspired by the 1941 short story La Biblioteca de Babel by Argentine author and poet Jorge Luis Borges, Sydney-based designer/director James van den Elshout conjures otherworldly spaces to hold all of human knowledge. [Watch]