Posted on November 14, 2016
Oscar-nominated Passion Animation director Sam Fell updates traditional stop-motion characters with 3D-printed expressions for this year’s Sainsbury holiday film thru AMV BBDO complete with the voice talents of James Corden and a track by Flight of the Conchords’ Bret McKenzie. [Watch]
Posted on November 11, 2016
So, just how does one promote a spray designed to delay male orgasm during sex? Director Tim Ruffle and the Aardman crew decided the answer lay in wit, wisdom, and cheeky vignettes all rendered in a confectioner’s palette. [Watch]
Posted on November 10, 2016
The team behind the emotional 2015 John Lewis holiday spot “Monty’s Christmas” (Blink director Dougal Wilson, MPC and agency adam&eveDDB) are back and while the tear-jerking factor is lower in “Buster The Boxer,” the story telling and VFX work remain exceptional. [Watch]
Posted on November 8, 2016
The first of the 2016 feel-good CG holiday ads arrives courtesy of Passion directors againstallodds (who warmed a billion hearts last year with Loteria “Justino”) thru UK agency St Luke’s for British online retailer [Watch]
Posted on November 1, 2016
São Paulo designer/illustrator/director João Lavieri unleashes “a collection of weird loops animated without sense” as a promo for the Fair Des.gráfica, a cultural event “focusing on publications and visual experiences that are conspicuous by their daring and experimentation in the field of comics.” [Watch]
Posted on October 31, 2016
Join 35 STYLE FRAMES speakers plus an audience full of designers, directors, animators, ADs, CDs, ACDs, ECDs, producers and EPs, HOPs, VPs, SVPs, VFX artists/supervisors, educators, audio and interactive designers plus VR producers, from all sides of the creative industry. [Watch]
Category Advertising, Animation, Broadcast Design, Business, CG, Character Animation, Events, Experiential, Feature Film, Featured, Games, Motion Design, VFX · Tags Stash, Style frames