MTV Mood Swing IDs curators reel | STASH MAGAZINE

Curator’s Reel of MTV “Mood Swing” Artist IDs

Art Director Ismael Picardi at MTV Networks World Creative Studio in Buenos Aires: “As part of the MTV’s newest rebrand, Mood Swing, we had to search and curate artists to develop idents that fit our concepts, such as love, chill, flawless, energetic, horny, fear, etc. [Watch]

Stash issue 141 Preview | STASH MAGAZINE
HORSE short film by AJ Jefferies | STASH MAGAZINE

Playing Existential “Horse” with AJ Jefferies

And now, with a brief distraction from the insanity of the outside world, we present AJ Jefferies, a 3D illustrator/animator and partner at CG studio MDI Digital in Norwich, UK, with “a short film I made about a horse, struggling to exist.” [Watch]