From Nothing to Something short film by Andrew Vucko | STASH MAGAZINE
OII Europe I am Intersex antimatter explainer | STASH MAGAZINE

“I am Intersex” (Director’s Cut) by Antimatter

Antimatter motion design studio in Milan: “Talking about gender topics has never been easy. It is an intricate issue as it implies several biological and cultural aspects and is often surrounded by ideological preconceptions. [Watch]

128_Post main PIC | STASH MAGAZINE
Antimatter Gerber Millenial Parenting moments | STASH MAGAZINE

Millennial Parenting Moments (Director’s cut)

From Antimatter in Milan, Italy: “Gerber Life Insurance is one of the top direct-response marketing insurance companies and a leading provider of juvenile life insurance. We were commissioned to create this short video to celebrate their 50th anniversary.” [Watch]