The Surprisingly Long History of Electric Cars Ted-Ed Lobster | STASH MAGAZINE

Lobster Reveals “The Surprisingly Long History of Electric Cars” for Ted-Ed

Fausto Montanari, director at Lobster in Genoa, Italy: “We really believe education is an important part of where our industry can make the difference, and when we have the chance we love to support initiatives such as TED-Ed. [Watch]

Spotify Anchor Podcast Subscriptions Oddfellows | STASH MAGAZINE

Spotify “Anchor Podcast Subscriptions” Brand Film by Oddfellows

From the team at Oddfellows in Portland, OR: “Great podcasts need great listeners. We went beyond explaining how paid subscriptions work to tap into the emotional power of the podcast medium.” [Watch]

Channel 4 Our 5/50 Manifesto Brotherston | STASH MAGAZINE

Channel 4 “Our 5/50 Manifesto” Explainer by

Director/animator Ryan Brotherston in London: “We recently made a fun little film for Channel 4 here in the UK. The brief went something like this… Channel 4: “We need to explain a new way of working to our people.” [Watch]

IRC Alone Boys Can’t Build The Future Jocie Juritz | STASH MAGAZINE

IRC “Alone Boys Cannot Build The Future” Brand Film by Jocie Juritz

Jocie Juritz: “In July, the International Rescue Committee talked with schoolgirls in Afghanistan about their fears for the future, and hopes of getting an education despite the country’s turmoil and repeated threats of violence.” [Watch]

Stash 149 Preview Trailer | STASH MAGAZINE
Mnemonica Promo Video by Racoon Studio | STASH MAGAZINE

Mnemonica Promo Video by Racoon Studio

Pietro Polentes, co-founder at Racoon Studio in Milan, Italy: “Our client Mnemonica developed a viewing and sharing platform for the film industry. After becoming leaders in Italy they wanted to go outside the country to sell their creation and asked us to write and direct this video for the international market. [Watch]