Factory Fifteen Albion Colossus Spitfire Audio | STASH MAGAZINE

Factory Fifteen Freezes the Action for Spitfire Audio’s Albion Colossus Library

London VFX/animation studio Factory Fifteen stages a series of high-octane action tableaux in this single-shot, full-CG sequence showcasing the music and sound design cues available in Spitfire Audio’s Albion Colossus library. [Watch]

Stash 148 Drops over Two Solid Hours of Inspiration | STASH MAGAZINE
BBC #LetsGoThere Tokyo Olympics Spot by Factory Fifteen and Nexus Studios | STASH MAGAZINE

BBC #LetsGoThere Tokyo Olympics Spot by Factory Fifteen, Nexus, and The Mill

BBC Olympics promo spots are always a grand visual treat and this 60-second VFX extravaganza by Nexus directors Factory Fifteen is no different as it sweeps viewers into an obsessively detailed, sports-infused Tokyo. [Watch]

Robot & Scarecrow short film | STASH MAGAZINE

A Very Modern Fairy Tale: “Robot & Scarecrow”

South African VFX house Chocolate Tribe takes the lead in creating the VFX for Kibwe Tavares’ stellar new short film “Robot & Scarecrow” wherein said protagonists navigate the perils and pitfalls of love-struck outsiders. [Watch]