Best-of-Stash-2021-Explainers | STASH MAGAZINE

Best of Stash 2021: Explainers

Magically transforming a dry (often arcane, and potentially dull) topic into an intriguing and engaging piece of visual content requires a special type of motion design alchemy known as the explainer video. [Watch]

Stash 148 Drops over Two Solid Hours of Inspiration | STASH MAGAZINE
Hidden Level "Airspace Monitoring Service" Explainer by Sam Tato | STASH MAGAZINE

Hidden Level “Airspace Monitoring Service” Explainer by Sam Tato

Given the rising tide of assembly-line explainer videos, finding a truly elegant and engaging project feels all the more rewarding. Case in point: this VO-free view into the tech of drone monitoring by CG artist and motion designer Sam Tato. [Watch]