Best-of-Stash-2021-Explainers | STASH MAGAZINE

Best of Stash 2021: Explainers

Magically transforming a dry (often arcane, and potentially dull) topic into an intriguing and engaging piece of visual content requires a special type of motion design alchemy known as the explainer video. [Watch]

Stash issue 150 main image | STASH MAGAZINE

Stash Drops Landmark 150th Issue – Watch the Trailer

The landmark 150th issue of Stash just dropped and we could not be more proud. Together with our subscribers, submitters, and fans we’ve built the planet’s largest motion design archive while providing inspiration and insight for professionals and students in over 100 countries. [Watch]

Guuk "Let's Reconnect" commercial by Device and Jonathan Calugi | STASH MAGAZINE

Guuk “Let’s Reconnect” Spot by Device and Illustrator Jonathan Calugi

Directors Ibran Trassierra and Marcello Buselli at Device in Barcelona translate the linear visions of Italian illustrator Jonathan Calugi into a nonstop flow of minimalist engagement in this spot for new Spanish telco Guuk. [Watch]