Pfizer The stories of chronic pain patients | STASH MAGAZINE

Pfizer “The Stories of Chronic Pain Patients” by Chu-Chieh Lee

Director and motion graphic designer Chu-Chieh Lee based in London and Taiwan: “These animations were screened at the Atlantic Festival with the aim to visualize the patient narratives and highlight the spoken content. [Watch]

TED-Ed The Electrifying Speeches of Sojourner Truth | STASH MAGAZINE

TED-Ed “The Electrifying Speeches of Sojourner Truth”

From TED-Ed: “Get to know the story of Sojourner Truth, a woman born into slavery who became known as a powerful orator and outspoken activist. [Watch]

Other, A Brief History of Xenophobia in America | STASH MAGAZINE

A Brief History of Xenophobia in America

Based on Erika Lee’s 2019 book “America for Americans: A History of Xenophobia in the United States”, this seven-minute film was commissioned by Seattle non-profit Densho for a new American history curriculum in middle schools [Watch]

B is for Ben short film by Rok Andic | STASH MAGAZINE

“B is for Ben” CG Comedy by Rok Andic

Slovenian 3D artist Rok Andic crafts a classic slapstick conundrum with thoroughly modern tools in his third short film, a character comedy about an astronaut named Ben and his need for a ladder. [Watch]

TED-Ed The Hidden Life of Rosa Parks | STASH MAGAZINE

TED-Ed “The Hidden Life of Rosa Parks” by Eido

Get the full story of the passion and perseverance of Rosa Louise McCauley Parks, one of the most pivotal figures in 20th century America, courtesy of TED-Ed and Eido motion graphics studio in Huntington Beach, CA. [Watch]

Emerging 100 of Atlanta. Meet the Students | STASH MAGAZINE

Emerging 100 of Atlanta “Meet the Students” by Fern

Fern animation and design studio in Atlanta: “Founded in 1986, 100 Black Men Of Atlanta is the most influential African-American volunteer organization focused on education, enrichment, and empowerment through mentorship and community service.” [Watch]