TED-Ed The Hidden Life of Rosa Parks | STASH MAGAZINE

TED-Ed “The Hidden Life of Rosa Parks” by Eido

Get the full story of the passion and perseverance of Rosa Louise McCauley Parks, one of the most pivotal figures in 20th century America, courtesy of TED-Ed and Eido motion graphics studio in Huntington Beach, CA. [Watch]

Extinction Rebellion "The Gigantic Change" commercial WHoopi Goldberg | STASH MAGAZINE

Whoopi Goldberg Pushes for “The Gigantic Change”

Whoopi Goldberg’s call for climate action comes to dramatic life in the hands of animation directors George Lewin and Nicola Jane Francis for Extinction Rebellion through Passion Pictures in London. [Watch]

Segregated By Design documentary by Mark Lopez | STASH MAGAZINE

“Segregated by Design” Documentary (Repost)

Originally posted here in April 2019, the Stash crew believes Mark Lopez’s animated documentary “Segregated By Design” has taken on a new level of relevance given current tensions in the US and deserves your full attention. [Watch]

“Singularity (after Stephen Hawking)” by Marie Howe | STASH MAGAZINE

“Singularity (after Stephen Hawking)” Animated Poem by SALT Project

Not-for-profit production company SALT and illustrator Elena Skoreyko Wagner add a sense of meandering whimsy to American poet Marie Howe’s “Singularity (after Stephen Hawking)” in this short for the virtual version of the 2020 Universe in Verse event. [Watch]

Infinite Bowls loop by Laurie Rowan | STASH MAGAZINE

A Mesmerizing Loop of “Infinite Bowls” by Laurie Rowan

The latest looping treat from Laurie Rowan, the UK animator, illustrator, and director (thru Nexus Studios) whose collection of eccentric CG character gifs has generated over 700 million views and twice as many smiles. [Watch]

Emerging 100 of Atlanta. Meet the Students | STASH MAGAZINE

Emerging 100 of Atlanta “Meet the Students” by Fern

Fern animation and design studio in Atlanta: “Founded in 1986, 100 Black Men Of Atlanta is the most influential African-American volunteer organization focused on education, enrichment, and empowerment through mentorship and community service.” [Watch]

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