Brand New School Adobe Photoshop | STASH MAGAZINE

Brand New School Demystifies Photoshop for the Masses

CCO and director Jonathan Notaro at Brand New School in NY: “While we have partnered with Adobe on various projects over the years, this was an opportunity to work with them on ground-up creative concepts and take them through production. [Watch]

WhatIF Foods A Better Better LOBO FableWorks | STASH MAGAZINE

LOBO and Fable.Works Help WhatIF Foods Find “A Better Better”

Planet-based food brand WhatIF doubles down on their commitment to Earth-friendly production in this snappy :60 anthem film filled with quirky characters and snappy animation from LOBO thru agency Fable.Works. [Watch]

Stash issue 158| STASH MAGAZINE

Stash 158 Packs Two New Hours of Motion Madness into the Permanent Collection

Get a jump on your spring brainstorming with this two-minute glimpse at all the motion projects packed into Stash 158, the latest design, animation, and VFX work to be inducted into the Stash Permanent Collection. [Watch]

Bruna Imai Hi-Lo Studio International Womens Day MTV | STASH MAGAZINE

Bruna Imai and Hi-Lo Studio Celebrate International Women’s Day with MTV

From the team at Hi-Lo Studio in LA: “MTV invited Hi-Lo creative director Bruna Imai to develop a project that would explore and celebrate the diverse experience of being a woman. [Watch]

Nikopicto year of the Rabbit HSBC PayMe | STASH MAGAZINE

Nikopicto Unleashes a Riot of Rabbits for HSBC’s PayMe

The year of the rabbit will never be the same after this rampage of impossibly happy triple-threat bunnies created by CD Nicolas Lesaffre and the crew at Nikopicto in Hong Kong for HSBC’s PayMe mobile payment service. [Watch]

Gorillaz Silent Running Music Video Jamie Hewlett Fx Goby Nexus | STASH MAGAZINE

Gorillaz “Silent Running” Music Video by Jamie Hewlett and Fx Goby

Nexus Studios director Fx Goby and Gorillaz co-creator Jamie Hewlett are back at it with a new music video that merges the animated quartet with pyrotechnics and prosthetics into a creepy/comic slice of fun. [Watch]