IRC Alone Boys Can’t Build The Future Jocie Juritz | STASH MAGAZINE

IRC “Alone Boys Cannot Build The Future” Brand Film by Jocie Juritz

Jocie Juritz: “In July, the International Rescue Committee talked with schoolgirls in Afghanistan about their fears for the future, and hopes of getting an education despite the country’s turmoil and repeated threats of violence.” [Watch]

Arrow Innovating Mobility Coat of Arms | STASH MAGAZINE

Arrow “Innovating Mobility” Brand Film by Coat of Arms

CDs Clara Lehmann and Jonathan Lacocque at Coat of Arms (Helvetia, WV, and Chicago): “This video, part of a series to be released over the next few months, celebrates the technological advances Arrow Electronics is making in personal freedom as it relates to semi-autonomous mobility. [Watch]

eBay The A to Z for A.G. NotReal | STASH MAGAZINE

eBay “The A to Z for A.G.” Spot by NotReal

eBay’s Authenticity Guarantee takes a stylish turn in this film from NotReal who mix live-action to feature couture handbags, 2D animation for the type treatments, and CG for the deconstructed components and textures. [Watch]

Stash 149 Preview Trailer | STASH MAGAZINE
Mnemonica Promo Video by Racoon Studio | STASH MAGAZINE

Mnemonica Promo Video by Racoon Studio

Pietro Polentes, co-founder at Racoon Studio in Milan, Italy: “Our client Mnemonica developed a viewing and sharing platform for the film industry. After becoming leaders in Italy they wanted to go outside the country to sell their creation and asked us to write and direct this video for the international market. [Watch]

MySocialLife Cyberbullying by 3rdfloor | STASH MAGAZINE

MySocialLife “Cyberbullying” Explainer by 3rdfloor

From the motion graphics team at 3rdfloor in Cape Town, South Africa: “This project is from a series of videos we are currently producing for MySocialLife SA. MySociaLife teaches digital life lessons to Grade 4 to 11 students, covering everything from digital identity to cyberbullying and mental health online.” [Watch]

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