“Immortelle” Short Film by Philippe Tempelman
Swedish director Philippe Tempelman spins a mysterious near-future “audio-visual manifesto” starring twin sister music duo Say Lou Lou. [Watch]
Swedish director Philippe Tempelman spins a mysterious near-future “audio-visual manifesto” starring twin sister music duo Say Lou Lou. [Watch]
Possibly our most dynamic issue so far, Stash 130 packs in a vast array of motion design, animation, and VFX plus behind-the-scenes features and exclusive interviews. [Watch]
Stash 129 is the latest chapter in our 14-year quest to curate the most innovative and inspiring motion work into the planet’s largest online video archive of design, animation, and VFX (plus behind-the-scenes features and exclusive interviews). [Watch]
Back in Dec/17 Swedish 3D studio Goodbye Kansas intro’d the gaming world to Aiden from the new Starbreeze game “Overkill’s The Walking Dead” in spectacular fashion. Now, as the zombies continue to close in, we meet a new badass named Maya. [Watch]
The rising Stockholm VFX/animation force known as Goodbye Kansas push popular role playing board game Mutant Year Zero into the video game market with stellar CG work and a pinch of comedy in the cinematic launch trailer. [Watch]
Stash 127 has landed and that means 31 more brilliant projects (plus behind-the-scenes features and exclusive interviews) just made their way into the Stash Permanent Collection. [Watch]