Stash 148 Drops over Two Solid Hours of Inspiration | STASH MAGAZINE
Google "Quantum AI" Brand Video by Art&Graft | STASH MAGAZINE

Google “Quantum AI” Brand Video by Art&Graft

Working thru agency Across the Pond, London’s Art&Graft wrangle new AI image simulation software to craft a painterly tour for Google and “inspire a future generation about the incredible potential of quantum computing.” [Watch]

Art&Graft Celebrates 10 Years with Visual Manifesto | STASH MAGAZINE

Art&Graft Celebrates 10 Years with Visual Manifesto

London design and motion force Art&Graft (who recently graced the cover of Stash 144 with their Boing Channel rebrand) just released an ambitious and energized retrospective of their first decade in the business. [Watch]

Art&Graft release "We Are OFK" for The Game Awards | STASH MAGAZINE

Art&Graft Unleash “We Are OFK” at The Game Awards

Art&Graft in London: “[We were] approached to direct and animate the first live performance from ‘We Are OFK’, a new interactive series and music project that launched at the opening of The Game Awards show in New York. [Watch]

Stash 144 video preview | STASH MAGAZINE
Mokapzu Park short film by Art&Graft | STASH MAGAZINE

Art&Graft Invites You to Experience “Mokapzu Park”

Welcome to Mokapzu Park, a safari experience like no other. After years of hard work, experimentation, and science London studio Art&Graft is throwing open the gates for everybody to enjoy! [Watch]

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