L'Imperatrice Danza Marilu Music Video for by Arthur Sevestre | STASH MAGAZINE

Arthur Sevestre Lets Loose With “Danza Marilù” Music Video for L’Impératrice

Illustrator and comic artist Arthur Sevestre steps into the directing chair for Paris animation prodco Remembers in this bouncy and intricate animated charmer for French pop band L’Impératrice starring a rebel senior citizen named Marilù. [Watch]

Stash 165 cover image | STASH MAGAZINE
Kate Isobel Scott Money Pink Floyd | STASH MAGAZINE

Kate Isobel Scott Takes Home the “Money” in Dark Side of the Moon Animation Competition

Melbourne animation director and illustrator Kate Isobel Scott’s ambitious stop-motion epic has earned a place in pop culture history as the official music video for one of the most-played songs of all time, Pink Floyd’s “Money”. [Watch]

Michael Fragstein Eben Tenner Silk Sheets Music Video | STASH MAGAZINE

Michael Fragstein Merges AI and Stop-Motion in Eben Tenner “Silk Sheets” Music Video

In this curious and enigmatic video for “Silk Sheets” by DJ/producer Eben Tenner, German director Michael Fragstein tempers the endless possibilities of AI with a carefully curated mix of stop-motion and collage techniques. [Watch]

Stash issue 164 | STASH MAGAZINE
Z by HP Milky Chance Synchronize collaborative Music Video | STASH MAGAZINE

Z by HP Merges Art and Technology for Milky Chance “Synchronize” Music Video

Following on their collaborative short film “The Living System”, Z by HP gathers artists/designers Orlando Arocena, GMUNK, Nidia Dias, Jody MacDonald, and Rik Oostenbroek to visualize a track by German band Milky Chance. [Watch]